SGI Developer Toolbox 6.1
SGI Developer Toolbox 6.1 - Disc 4.iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
671 lines
* Copyright (C) 1994, Silicon Graphics, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved.
* This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Silicon Graphics, Inc.;
* the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or
* duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written
* permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc.
* Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions
* as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data
* and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and/or in similar or
* successor clauses in the FAR, DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished -
* rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States.
* Generated by the ICS builderXcessory (BX).
* Builder Xcessory 3.0 FT.
/* external widget declarations */
/* from chroma widget: */
extern Widget UminTF;
extern Widget UmaxTF;
extern Widget VminTF;
extern Widget VmaxTF;
extern Widget ChromasharpTF;
extern Widget UminScale;
extern Widget UmaxScale;
extern Widget VminScale;
extern Widget VmaxScale;
extern Widget ChromasharpScale;
extern Widget ChromasetTB;
extern Widget UrangelockTB;
extern Widget VrangelockTB;
/* from luma widget: */
extern Widget YminTF;
extern Widget YmaxTF;
extern Widget LumasharpTF;
extern Widget LumafgopTF;
extern Widget YminScale;
extern Widget YmaxScale;
extern Widget LumasharpScale;
extern Widget LumafgopScale;
extern Widget LumasetTB;
extern Widget YrangelockTB;
/* from switch widget: */
extern Widget ManualScale;
extern Widget FuzzScale;
extern Widget SwitchspeedScale;
/* end external widget declarations */
/* external variables */
extern int ChromaPreA[5];
extern int ChromaPreB[5];
extern int ChromaPre1[5];
extern int ChromaPre2[5];
extern int ChromaPre3[5];
extern int ChromaPre4[5];
extern int LumaPreA[4];
extern int LumaPreB[4];
extern int LumaPre1[4];
extern int LumaPre2[4];
extern int LumaPre3[4];
extern int LumaPre4[4];
/* end external variables */
* Callback procedure declarations
extern void minmaxtorangeval();
extern void rangevaltominmax();
extern void getAllChromaVLValues();
extern void getAllLumaVLValues();
extern void uminScaleHandler();
extern void umaxScaleHandler();
extern void urangelockTBHandler();
extern void vminScaleHandler();
extern void vmaxScaleHandler();
extern void vrangelockTBHandler();
extern void chromaBBdestroyHandler();
extern void chromasharpHandler();
extern void chromasharpScaleHandler();
extern void chromaDoPBHandler();
extern void chromaAPBHandler();
extern void chromaBPBHandler();
extern void chroma1PBHandler();
extern void chroma2PBHandler();
extern void chroma3PBHandler();
extern void chroma4PBHandler();
extern void chromasetTBHandler();
extern void yminScaleHandler();
extern void ymaxScaleHandler();
extern void yrangelockTBHandler();
extern void lumaBBdestroyHandler();
extern void lumasharpScaleHandler();
extern void lumafgopScaleHandler();
extern void lumaDoHandler();
extern void lumaAPBHandler();
extern void lumaBPBHandler();
extern void luma1PBHandler();
extern void luma2PBHandler();
extern void luma3PBHandler();
extern void luma4PBHandler();
extern void lumasetTBHandler();
extern void switchBBdestroyHandler();
extern void leftrightswitchPBHandler();
extern void elevatorhorizswitchPBHandler();
extern void crossswitchPBHandler();
extern void rectoutswitchPBHandler();
extern void upperleftswitchPBHandler();
extern void squaresswitchPBHandler();
extern void tilesswitchPBHandler();
extern void fadeswitchPBHandler();
extern void automanualTBHandler();
extern void switchspeedScaleHandler();
extern void fuzzScaleHandler();
extern void manualScaleHandler();
extern void repeatScaleHandler();
extern void util1PBHandler();
extern void util2PBHandler();
extern void helpPBHandler();
extern void quitPBHandler();
extern void option1PBHandler();
extern void app1PBHandler();
extern void app2PBHandler();
extern void app3PBHandler();
extern void app4PBHandler();
extern void app5PBHandler();
extern void app6PBHandler();
extern void grabnsavePBHandler();
extern void grabndispPBHandler();
extern void vidovergfxPBHandler();
extern void gfxovervidPBHandler();
extern void fullscreenoutPBHandler();
/* XPM */
static char * fadeswitch[] = {
"48 48 2 1",
" c #9F9F9F9F9F9F",
". c #0A0A0A0AC8C8",
" ",
" ",
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" ",
" "};
/* XPM */
static char * rectoutswitch[] = {
"48 48 2 1",
" c #9F9F9F9F9F9F",
". c #0A0A0A0AC8C8",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
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" ",
" "};
/* XPM */
static char * squaresswitch[] = {
"48 48 2 1",
" c #9F9F9F9F9F9F",
". c #0A0A0A0AC8C8",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
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" ....... ....... ....... ....... ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" "};
/* XPM */
static char * crossswitch[] = {
"48 48 2 1",
" c #0A0A0A0AC8C8",
". c #9F9F9F9F9F9F",
" ........ ",
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" ........ "};
/* XPM */
static char * horizlouverswitch[] = {
"48 48 2 1",
" c #9F9F9F9F9F9F",
". c #0A0A0A0AC8C8",
" ",
" ",
" ",
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" ",
" ",
" ",
" "};
/* XPM */
static char * leftrightswitch[] = {
"48 48 2 1",
" c #9F9F9F9F9F9F",
". c #0A0A0A0ADCDC",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ...................... ",
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" ...................... ",
" ...................... ",
" ...................... ",
" ...................... ",
" ...................... ",
" ",
" ",
" "};
/* XPM */
static char * tilesswitch[] = {
"48 48 2 1",
" c #9F9F9F9F9F9F",
". c #0A0A0A0AC8C8",
" ",
" ",
" ",
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" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" "};
/* XPM */
static char * upperleftswitch[] = {
"48 48 2 1",
" c #9F9F9F9F9F9F",
". c #0A0A0A0AC8C8",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
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" ",
" "};
/* XPM */
static char * elevatorhorizswitch[] = {
"48 48 2 1",
" c #0A0A0A0AC8C8",
". c #9F9F9F9F9F9F",
" ",
" ",
" ",
" ",
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" ",
" "};
/* XPM */
static char * lrdiag1switch[] = {
"48 48 2 1",
" c #9F9F9F9F9F9F",
". c #0A0A0A0ADCDC",
" ",
" ",
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" "};